The Results Are In
Your #1 Block to Achieving
Inner Healing & Transformation
I'm Not Worthy
The Limiting Belief of...
Watch The Video Below For Your Short & Sweet Results Recap
(It's about 5 minutes)
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Let's Get Into Your Unique Strategy
for Your #1 Healing Blocker
Step 1
Tools Needed:
Sticky Notes
When to Do this:
Throughout The Day
You ARE Enough
First of all . . .
I want you to take a sticky notepad and write the words I AM ENOUGH in as many ink/marker colors as you can and paste this ALL OVER Your house (on mirrors, in the kitchen, on the back of the front, back and garage doors - literally everywhere). Put some in your car. Post some at work on your desk. Make it your phone screensaver.
I want you to INANDATE your SPACES with this simple phrase and EVERY TIME YOU SEE IT - SAY THE WORDS OUT LOUD.
Say it: I AM ENOUGH.
Step 2
Tools Needed:
Spiral Notebook
When to Do This:
First thing in the Morning
Second of all . . .
You ARE Worthy
Go to the dollar store or corner store and get a fresh plain journal. Do not use an old journal or pieces of paper. I want you to open to the 1st page. Date it at the top and title the page: The Makings of a Worthy _______(insert your name). Draw one line down the middle and a horizontal line across the top. On the RIGHT side, I want you to list ALL OF YOUR DESIRES. (ex. A loving relationship - A great career - Financial Stability - Successful business - whatever those are)
On the LEFT side, I want you to write I AM WORTHY OF in front of EVERY DESIRE you listed (ex; I am worthy of a loving relationship - I am worthy of a great career, and so on)
Write it: I AM WORTHY
Step 3
Tools Needed:
The Manifestion Prayer
A Quiet Space
A Candle (optional)
When to Do This:
Every evening before bed
Affirm This Daily
Finally . . .
Gratefully, I accept and receive unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love, unexpected kindness, unexpected generosity, unexpected offers, and unexpected prosperity coming in unexpected ways from unexpected places in my life and the life of others. I am constantly guided, and boldly empowered, to receive the lavish abundance of God & The Universe! I accept the principle that love, worthiness, abundance, and prosperity have already been given to me. My acceptance makes it real and opens the space for manifestation to rush in! I open wide the doors of my consciousness to receive and to give it is done now!
Through this Oath of Manifestation, ALL things are possible! I declare, absolutely that I live in a friendly & loving universe, created by God, that is always providing for me.
I feel it powerfully happening now!
I open to receive more abundance, and to give more abundance, than I have ever experienced before! I open to receive more love, and to give more love, than I have ever experienced before. I can access & afford anything I desire! In fact, I am so abundant I need never worry again! I am grateful for all that I already have and grateful for all that I’m ready to give! I keep myself lifted in high consciousness no matter what the appearances are!
God is all there is!
Let the God Times roll!
Ready to Put It All Together
and Take the Next Step?
Awesome! You Are My Kind of Client!
I have a special invitation for you below!
to Join Us!
A Personal Invitation...
Let's cut to the chase...
If you are STILL reading at this point then you are READY to start your healing journey.
What's probably bothering you at this point is WHERE & HOW to start and that puts you in the PERFECT space to join us over in our Community of ConquerHERS! This is our Healing & Transformation Community and is currently being delivered through WhatsApp. My Goal is to deliver on-demand and streaming content that helps women of color:
Confront their Trauma
Heal their Pain
Live their life Authentically & Abundantly
It doesn't matter if you are a professional, entrepreneur, corporate leader, spiritual leader, technician, entertainer, stay-at-home mom, or full-time student. If you are a woman of color and you want a SAFE space to begin processing your trauma and pain, then "The ConquerHER Club" IS FOR YOU!
You can also GRAB A HEALING BUNDLE as well, so you can be cute while you heal! You will get a CUSTOM clutch and my PROPRIETARY Healing Journal to aid you on your journey.
See you inside and be sure to tag me (@iamdrstephanielynn) when you post a picture of your healing clutch!
I have carefully and consciously curated two (2) practical tools with lots of goodies to aid you on your healing journey!
A Note from Me...
You're In the Right Place at the Right Time!
I'm so happy you took this quiz because it shows that even a teensy tiny fraction (mustard seed faith) of you believes you can heal the areas of your life that you desire by following a proven path many others have walked before you.
Spoiler alert: you totally can!
The last 12 - 18 months have felt for many like chaos, challenge, and instability in our self-experience, our families, and in community. What I know is that Women of Color are really suffering as a result. It’s getting harder and harder to cut through the noise, put ourselves first, and show up authentically.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated doing 100 different things and not getting anywhere. Sometimes even questioning if they have what it takes to find healing or if it is even worth it. I KNOW you have what it takes and I also know it IS WORTH IT!
I focus on helping Women of Color because I am a woman of color that has healed every area of my own life AND I really understand what you are going through! My detailed life journey is outlined HERE if you want to see it for yourself.
But trust me...I am qualified to help you!
Knowing that I'd like to offer you the opportunity and show you how to do the same but do it in a fraction of the time with coaching & therapy that actually works!
Your quiz results are designed to give you a healthy dose of honesty & clarity on a deep, deep level - all you have to do is follow through.
Don’t worry, I’m here to cheer you on!
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt— you’ve got this!
Dr. Steph
I'm So Proud of You!